Aladtec API Documentation

Base URL:


The Aladtec API can be used to retrieve, create, or update information contained in an Aladtec system, specifically:

The Aladtec API is implemented as a JSON web service that accepts authenticated HTTP requests, then returns a response with an HTTP status code and a JSON payload. No separate installation is required to use the Aladtec API.

General Information

  1. Date/Time is expressed in the timezone defined by the Aladtec system being accessed
  2. Date/Time format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM, where YYYY = year, MM = month, DD = day, T = separator character, HH = hours (expressed in 24 hour notation), MM = minutes, e.g. 2018-05-01T17:30
  3. Date format is YYYY-MM-DD, where YYYY = year, MM = month, DD = day, e.g. 2018-05-01
  4. Time format is HH:MM, where HH = hours (expressed in 24 hour notation), MM = minutes, e.g. 14:30.
  5. Aladtec API will attempt to return an appropriate HTTP status code for every request
  6. Parameter keys and values are case sensitive
  7. Only data contained within the requested date range will be included in the response; however, a response may include additional information to indicate if the data extends outside of the requested date range
  8. Aladtec URLs are subject to change at the discretion of Aladtec

API Rate Limits

An Aladtec subscription provides 50 requests per minute and 2500 requests per rolling 24 hour period. Once the rate limit has been reached, a status code of 429 (Too Many Requests), will be returned until the rate limit automatically resets.

If a higher rate limit is required, please contact Aladtec Support at 888.749.5550.

API Profiles

Aladtec can create multiple API profiles for your organization, each with access to different data. Not all data is available by default.

If you would like to configure API profiles, please contact Aladtec Support at 888.749.5550.


Aladtec follows OAuth 2.0 standards for authentication. All API endpoints require authentication using a valid, non-expired access token. To get API tokens for an Aladtec system you must have received a client ID and a client secret for that system by contacting Aladtec Support. The client secret must remain confidential as it allows unrestricted access to an Aladtec system's data. All access tokens will expire seven days after they are created.

Getting an Access Token

Aladtec has implemented Client Credentials authentication for obtaining access tokens. Tokens obtained using Client Credentials will give unrestricted access to a system's data.



Generates new API access tokens given valid credentials

Response Codes

Code Text Description
200 Ok Request was successful
201 Created Resource was created successfully
204 No Content Request was successful and no response content was returned
400 Bad Request Request was invalid, may be due to missing or incorrect parameters
401 Unauthorized Authentication credentials were invalid or missing, may be due to expired token
403 Forbidden The API credentials used do not have access to the resource requested
404 Not Found The URL path was not found
405 Method Not Allowed An invalid HTTP method was specified for the resource. For example, a GET request was made to /oauth/token which only supports POST requests.
429 Too Many Requests The rate limit for the Aladtec system was reached and the request cannot be completed
500 Internal Server Error A problem has occurred on Aladtec servers, if the error continues - contact Aladtec Support for additional assistance

The Aladtec API will include additional details in the response which can be used for troubleshooting, for example:

        "error": "Invalid credentials.",
        "detail": "An API token was either not provided or invalid.  A valid API token must be set in the Authorization Bearer header."



Routes for retrieving and updating Member Database information


Returns members and the member's associated Member Database attributes. Attributes must be...


Creates a new member in the Member Database.


Updates an existing member using a subset of attributes or the entire member.


Returns all employee types. These can be customized per Aladtec system. Examples: part...


Returns all customer created Member Database attribute definitions


Routes for retrieving Member Availability ranges


Returns Member Availability for the requested date/time range.


Routes for retrieving member Time Off information


Approved and pending Time Off ranges for the requested date/time range. Note: By default,...


Routes for retrieving Schedule information


Schedule configuration defined in an Aladtec system. Data is sorted by the order defined...


Returns a list of unique position qualifications.


Routes for retrieving scheduled time information


Returns scheduled time ranges for a specified period of time


Returns time ranges where no member is scheduled. Typically used for finding shifts...


Schedule and position for each member scheduled at the time of the request


Returns Schedule Notes organized by calendar date. Up to one year can be retrieved in a...


Routes for retrieving extra hours information


Returns extra hours ranges for a specified period of time in the past


Routes for retrieving Time Clock information


Returns a list of unique, active Paycodes which can be applied to time clock time.


Returns a list of unique, active Kiosks used to clock in and out.


Routes for retrieving and updating Time Clock records


Time Clock records for the requested date/time range. If a member is clocked in at the...


Members clocked in at the time of the request.


Clocks a member in given a valid member ID.


Clocks a member out given a valid member ID.


Routes for retrieving Event ranges


Events for requested date/time range.


Routes for retrieving Shift Label information


Shift Labels for requested date range.


Routes for retrieving Work Group information


Returns all work groups. Work groups are used for putting members into groups if they...


Routes for retrieving Time Type information


Returns a list of unique Time Types which can be applied to scheduled time.


Routes for retrieving and updating Time Off accrual information


Returns a list of all accrual banks


Returns the number of hours in each specified accrual bank for a list of provided members


Sets accrual bank balances given a list of hours for members' accrual banks


Updates accrual bank balances given a list of adjustment hours for members' accrual banks


Routes for retrieving Aladtec system configuration information


Returns a list of configuration settings


Routes for exporting reports


Runs the Payroll Report export. Pagination is required to export all...